St. Margaret of Scotland

St. Margaret of Scotland, whose feast is celebrated November 16, was the granddaughter of an English king. She was born in Hungary due to her father’s exile there as a child. Her early years were spent in the Hungarian court, among pious and observant Catholic royals. St. Margaret’s piety was evident in the considerable amount of time she spent in prayer. The saint also illustrated the importance of silence and solitude when she would often retreat to the cloister of a cave for occasions of prayer and quiet reflection. Saint Margaret was a voracious reader, particularly of spiritual material. Read her complete biography online.

Who Is St. Anthony Claret?

The life of St. Anthony Mary Claret was so extraordinary that Pope Pius XII once called him “a giant in spirit.” Yet few Catholics today seem to know much about […]

Pope St. John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyla in the small Polish town of Wadowice. During World War II, when the Nazis invaded Poland, Karol secretly studied for the priesthood in an underground seminary established by the archbishop of Krakow. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1946. In 1964, Father Karol was appointed archbishop of Krakow; just three years later he was made a cardinal. In 1978, Cardinal Wojtyla was elected Pope, the 264th in the Church’s history. He took the name John Paul II. He began his papacy on Oct. 22 by telling the world, “Be not afraid”; his life showed everyone that to change the world, we must “cast into the deep for a great catch.”